Guides for parents on school and childcare in times of pandemic

Tips for parents on school and child care in times of pandemic

For many months now, the whole world has been grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought many changes to our lives. One aspect that has been hit particularly hard is the education system. Parents around the world have had to deal with the challenges of both learning remotely and caring for their children while many educational institutions were closed. In this article, we would like to share some tips for parents who are looking for support and guidance during this difficult time.

1. Organizing time and space for remote learning

Time and space management can be the key to successful remote learning. It's a good idea to create a daily schedule that includes online lessons as well as time for breaks, meals and other activities. Remember to create the right learning environment a quiet and well-lit corner where your child can focus on learning.

2. Communication and support with the school

It's important to maintain regular communication with the school to stay up-to-date on remote learning information, grades and lesson plans. Take advantage of available means of communication, such as email, online platforms and phone calls. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your child's teachers.

3. Emotional support for your child

The pandemic period can be emotionally difficult for both children and adults. It is important to be available to your child and listen carefully. Show understanding and empathy, and help your child cope with any stress or anxiety. If necessary, consider enlisting the help of professionals, such as a psychologist or educator.

4. Healthy lifestyle and take care of immunity

During this difficult time, it is especially important to take care of health and immunity. Encourage your child to get regular physical activity, eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. Educate them about the importance of personal hygiene and be sure to wash their hands regularly and keep a good social distance.

5. Seek community support

Don't forget that you are not alone in this. There are many support groups for parents that operate both online and locally. Join a group on social networks or apply to local organizations where you can share experiences and gain support from other parents in a similar situation.


Caring and learning in times of pandemonium can be difficult, but you are not alone. Find harmony in organizing your time and space to study remotely, keep in regular contact with the school, provide emotional support for your child, ensure a healthy lifestyle and seek community support. Remember that we are all learning and growing in this new world for all of us.